…“Otmaro Ruiz, who seems capable of adapting to any musical situation, demostrated once again – as he did last week with Dianne Reeves at the Orange Country Performing Arts Center – his remarkably multifaceted skills in a solo filled with roaring multilayered audio textures.“
…“The performance, in fact, had the relaxed intimacy of a jam session, with the musicians clearly caught up in the sheer pleasure of making music.“
…“Ruiz’s extended choruses were masterful combinations of thick, synth textures alternated with brisk, single note bop lines.“
…“Ruiz [coming up] with a stunning improvisation that was both a mini-history of jazz keyboard and a personal expression of his own expansive musical eclecticism.“
…“A gracious host, as well as a player of outstanding technical command and percolating imagination.”
… “A highly personal artist with an individual approach to tradition”…
…“Ruiz made music that was pan-equatorial, unabashedly beautiful, and yet not without its subtleties and occasional bracing dissonances.”
…”A high standard in both conception and performance.”